Nursing Services

Nursing Services

Barberton Preschool
330-780-3208 ext 12503 
(accepts voicemail)

Barberton Primary School 
Alyssa Gaither, LPN

Barberton Intermediate School
Stephanie Bochard RN, LSN

Barberton Middle School
Stephanie Bochard RN, LSN
330-745-9950 ext 22503
(accepts voicemail)

Barberton High School
Wendy Ray RN, BSN, LSN
330-753-1084 ext 25504
(accepts voicemail)

BCSD Immunization Compliance Nurse
Mary Beth Tupa RN, BSN, LSN
330-780-3208 ext 12503
(accepts voicemail)

As the school nurses for Barberton Schools, we would like to welcome you and your child to the school district. You may reach us at the numbers listed above. Wendy Ray serves BHS and BEW, Stephanie Bochard serves BMS and BEE and Mary Beth Tupa serves BPS and is the district Immunization Compliance Nurse. Although we each have more than one building, we stay in close contact with your child’s school. We are available to parents and staff for any questions related to health issues.

Some duties and services of the nursing office include:


  • Monitoring the immunization status of students and insuring compliance with state requirements.
  • Vision screening and follow-up to be sure students have access to vision correction, as needed. Please call if you need help obtaining glasses for your child.
  • Monitoring of contagious illnesses
  • Developing health plans for students with special health needs. If you child has a health issue, please contact us. We can help you make sure the needs are met and it does not impact academic progress.
  • Instructing staff on dealing with student allergies and medical reactions.
  • Evaluating illnesses or injuries of students
  • Screening for head lice and monitoring of cases
  • Classes on health topics, as needed and/or at request of staff
  • Overseeing the program by which school personnel administer necessary medication to students during the school day.
  • Dental – Provide referrals to Akron Beacon Journal Charity Fund for assistance with orthodontic needs, work with parents to arrange care for dental needs, coordinate with Summit County Dental Van to provide dental services. Assist parent in finding affordable dental care.
  • Esther Ryan Shoe Fund - A fund supported by Kiwanis and community donations- vouchers are given to financially eligible students to go to Payless Shoes and receive a pair of tennis shoes for school.


If you have any questions, you may call at any time.

Wendy Ray RN, BSN, LSN

330-753-1084 ext 25504
(accepts voicemail)


The Ohio Department of Health requires that children enrolled in school be up-to-date with their immunizations. Any student entering 7th grade must have both the Tdap and meningococcal immunizations. Students entering 12th grade must have TWO doses of the meningococcal immunization. Please contact your physician's office/clinic/health department with any questions or to schedule an appointment.
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