

Introducing ParentSquare

We are excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication at Barberton City Schools called ParentSquare. 

This unified communications platform will replace OneCall Now and is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with Barberton CIty Schools.

You should have by now,  received a notification from ParentSquare via the email you have entered in Final Forms. Included in this email are instructions for registering your account and setting your communication preferences so that you can start receiving posts and alerts from Barberton City Schools. 

Do You Need to Update Your Contact Information? 

Parent Square pulls contact information from the data entered in Final Forms.  If you would like to update your contact information, you can do so in Final Forms and your change should roll over to Parent Square in a day or two.  You can also make edits in Parent Square, but please allow a few days for those to be updated. 

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