Vision: Barberton City Schools ... Building a Better Barberton...One Student at a Time!
Mission: Meeting each child where they are at and growing them year to year until they are on one of three pathways - Enrolled, Enlisted, Employed.
The Board of Education determined in 2019 that there was a need to continue the strategic planning process that would lead the school district through the years 2020-2025. There are many uses for district funds that are not optional when running a school district, but there are also programs, staff and facility improvements that are optional, and the community should be given the opportunity to voice an opinion.
At the heart of this plan are the students of Barberton. The Barberton City School District feels strongly that they are entrusted to provide the best educational opportunities to its students, as evidenced in the Beliefs, Mission and Vision Statements.
The Board of Education would like to thank all of the dedicated staff, students, parents and community members who gave their time and talents in order to complete this plan. We welcome further comments and suggestions from them and other stakeholders who were not involved in the original process. Please email these comments to Superintendent
Jeffrey Ramnytz or send to his attention at Office of the Superintendent, 633 Brady Avenue., Barberton, OH 44203.