Barberton City Schools Home

Due to Freezing Rain and Ice Covered conditions there will be no school for Thursday, February 6, 2025
BARBERTON PRIMARY SCHOOLMrs. Keller's class learns about Penguins!
Mrs. Keller's class learns about Penguins!
BARBERTON PRESCHOOLOur Preschool and our School Resource Officers
Our Preschool and our School Resource Officers
BARBERTON HIGH SCHOOLFour Cities Compact Business Marketing Academy (BMA) students prepare to showcase their business skills at the DECA District Competition.
Four Cities Compact Business Marketing Academy (BMA) students prepare to showcase their business skills at the DECA District Competition.
Exemplary High School Chemistry Teacher AwardBHS is proud to have dual "Gene Easter, Exemplary High School Chemistry Teacher Award" winners in Mr. Rick Cardinal and Mrs. Wendi Damm! Congratulations!
Exemplary High School Chemistry Teacher Award
BARBERTON PRIMARY SCHOOLConstitution Day in Mrs. Steinman’s second grade class with student teacher Mr. Woodling.
Constitution Day in Mrs. Steinman’s second grade class with student teacher Mr. Woodling.
O H I O!
Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryGet your Presale Tickets Now!Read More ▸
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
TeachArtsOhio!Barberton Intermediate School Received a TeachArtsOhio Grant from Ohio Arts Council to Fund Mural and Historical Community ExhibitRead More ▸
Barberton Intermediate School Received a TeachArtsOhio Grant from Ohio Arts Council to Fund Mural and Historical Community Exhibit
BARBERTON PRIMARY SCHOOLMrs. Calabrese’s class learned about the election process by voting on their favorite Oreo cookies! A tasty way to learn!!
Mrs. Calabrese’s class learned about the election process by voting on their favorite Oreo cookies! A tasty way to learn!!
BMS Spelling Bee Winners
Gavin Long Varsity Win 100
BMS Cheerleaders have MAGIC PRIDE!
BARBERTON MIDDLE SCHOOLOur beginning band members from BMS.
Our beginning band members from BMS.
WELCOME BACK!Barberton Primary Second Grade Staff
Barberton Primary Second Grade Staff
BARBERTON HIGH SCHOOLSuburban League Honor Choir
Suburban League Honor Choir
BARBERTON CLASS OF 2037First Day of K!
First Day of K!
BARBERTON INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLAkron Art Museum Exhibit of BIS Student Artwork!
Akron Art Museum Exhibit of BIS Student Artwork!
BARBERTON PRESCHOOLMrs. Craig's class who earned a fairy tale dance party for following the Magic Way.
Mrs. Craig's class who earned a fairy tale dance party for following the Magic Way of being respectful, responsible and safe, and ready to learn.
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