C/O 2024 Google Takeout Instructions

Google Takeout Instructions
  1. Go to https://takeout.google.com/settings/takeout to download your data. 
  2. Sign into the Google Account you wish to download.
  3. Under “Select data to include”, click Deselect ALL. 
  4. You will see an extensive list of Google services you have enabled within your Google profile (image to the right). Go through and check the boxes for the services you want to download.
  5.  Recommend boxes to check:
    1. Chrome
    2. Classroom
    3. Drive
    4. Google Keep (if you use that)
    5. Mail 
    6. You Tube
  6. Press the Next Step button at the bottom to continue to “File Type, Frequency and Destination”.
  7. Select a delivery method* from the drop down menu: 
    1. Send download link via email (recommended) 
    2. Add to Drive (a different Gmail account) 
    3. Add to Dropbox
    4. Add to OneDrive
    5. Add to Box
  8. Select “Export once” under Frequency of exports:
  9. Select the file type and size: Keep file type .zip
  10. Press the Create Export button at the bottom to start the process. Depending on the amount of data, this process can take hours or days to complete. You’ll receive an email once it is completed.
*When selected, each delivery method provides additional instructions 
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