What is YOUR Story?

BIS students will be painting a mural, a living history project, at our school with TeachArtsOhio artist Dara Harper!  We are collecting stories and artifacts relating to your family, our community, and our connections to the rest of the world.  We will also be mounting an exhibition, on view later this year, telling the story of YOUR place in the history of our town in a fresh new way. 

We want to hear YOUR story!! Whether your connection to Barberton is two or three years or two or three lifetimes long, We want to know!

Ask your BIS student for the project packet, download and print from here, or put your drawings and stories on a plain piece of paper. Please talk about it at home, and send in your stories and your stuff THIS WEEK!  Don't forget to label your materials! Watch our social pages for updates! Questions? Ask Mrs. Norman, [email protected]

**Mural project funded in part by generous donations from Ohio Arts Council, Wooster Brush, and Sherwin Williams**

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