Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Calling a snow day is always a difficult decision, and we do not take these decisions lightly. Although there are no hard and fast rules when deciding to close school due to severe weather, the following conditions are considered:
- The amount of snow on the ground.
- The projected amount of snow to fall.
- Weather forecast for the school day.
- Road conditions.
- Temperature.
- Wind chill.
- Ability of the City of Barberton to plow and salt the streets.
- Conditions of school parking lots and sidewalks.
When hazardous weather arrives in our community, the most important issue is the safety of our students and employees.
As parents, you have the right to keep your students home if you feel it is not safe.
If we do close school, the goal will be to make a decision between 5:30-6:00AM.
When the decision is made, we will send automatic phone messages that reach all of our families and staff members; and we will contact all local radio, TV, and newspapers.
Please understand that we make difficult decisions about snow days with thoughtful, well-researched, and conscientious practices and procedures.