Ambrosic, Martina
Social Studies
Arnold-Law, Christopher
ESSER Tutor Math
Aspiras Jr., Ricardo
Austin, Jay
Social Studies
Babcock, Megan
Family/Consumer Science
Bates, Brittany
Wilson Reading Specialist
Beard, Victoria
Principal's Secretary
Begert, Sonja
Intervention Specialist Coach
Boswell, Cynthia
Career and Technical Advancement to Nursing
Boudler, Rachel
Math Coach/Specialist
Bush, Jodie
Intervention Specialist
Cardinal, Mindy
Cardinal, Richard
Chapelet, Christine
French Teacher
Clum, Brandon
Intervention Specialist
Coldwell, Samantha
Career and Technical Business Marketing Academy
Cook, Douglas
Curry, Jennifer
Dean, Chad
Intervention Specialist
Denham, Matthew
Intervention Specialist
DeWitt, Christie
Secretary - Financial
Diaz, Robert
Intervention Specialist
Didato, Frances
English/Language Arts, CCP Composition Studies and Early College Composition Studies
Eberhart, Marty
School Resource Officer
Evans, Laura
Intervention Specialist
Farren, Michael
Small Engines/Woods
Fasig, Stephen
Social Studies
Ferguson Sr., Joshua
Security Monitor
Filo, Matthew
Francis, Keith
Career and Technical - Machine Technology
Frazee, David
Intervention Specialist
Gerberich, Nichole
Career and Technical Cosmetology
Gotto, Anthony
Career Readiness
Green, Ray
Fire Safety Instructor
Greynolds, K. Jack
Physical Education
Grimsley, Lance
English, TV Studio, Magician
Heim, Amhee
School Counselor
Hoffman, Stacey
Social Studies
Israel, Kathryn
James, Tina
School Counselor
Kaser, David
STEM, Science, Math
Keffer, Haley
Library Tutor
Kelly, Kendal
Intervention Specialist
Kreider, Dana
German Teacher
LaCroix, Brittany
LaGanke EdS, NCSP, Allyson
School Psychologist
Lattarulo, Joseph
Assistant Principal Grades 9-11 A-L
Lawrence, Courtney
Lee, Victoria
English/Language Arts
Lynch, Ann
Intervention Specialist
Mair, Carolyn
Health, Physical Education
Mariola, David
Health, Physical Education
McMullen, Heather
Mehok, Richard
Career and Technical Network Systems and Cyber Security
Mertz, Ashley
English/Language Arts
Milford, Jeremy
Career and Technical: Criminal Science Technology Teacher
Mitchell, Carol
Guidance Secretary
Montz, Noreen
Intervention Specialist
Morr, Jason
Intervention Specialist
Nehlsen, Brian
Social Studies
Nelson, Melissa
ELA Coach
O'Neil, Donovan
Math Teacher
Papp, Diana
Head Custodian
Patonai, Deborah
ESSER Math Tutor
Paugh, Tara
Guidance Aide
Tara Paugh Guidance Office Barberton High School (330) 753-1084 Ext. 25517 Fax (330) 848-6245
Pelfrey, Angelalyn
English/Language Arts
Petrarca, Nicole
Vocal Music
Pletcher, Kevin
Social Studies
Quade, Emily
Speech/Language Pathologist
Ramsey, Deb
Athletic Office Secretary III
Ray, RN, Wendy
School Nurse
Rea, Angela
Intervention Specialist
Rector, Kenneth
Business/Computer App
Reinhart, Melissa
Intervention Specialist/Credit Recovery
Ridgill, Donyell
Intervention Specialist
Rockich, Pamela
English/Language Arts
Sabol, John
Athletic Director
Schindewolf, Erica
Head Secretary
Seeman, Conner
Social Studies
Shaheen, Randa
District English Language Specialist
Smith, Karen
English/Language Arts
Smith, Leah
Attendance Secretary
Stamper, Jeannette
Starling, Kim
Technology Secretary
Stein, Deanna
Assistant Principal
Stoll, Nancy
Cafeteria Manager
Tallman, Jennifer
School Counselor
Taylor, Christa
Career and Technical Education - Advancement to Nursing
Tonathy, Joan
School Counselor
Townsend, Thomas
English/Language Arts
Travis, Jeremy
Assistant Principal
Vernacotola, Joseph
Media Specialist, Webmaster
Wagner, Celeste
Director of Bands
Waldow, Sarah
Visual Arts
Walker, Robert
Social Studies
Watson, Karen
Intervention Specialist
Weeks, Heather
English/Language Arts, Cigam
Weeks, Joel
Intervention Specialist
Wheeler, Doug
Career and Technical - Business Marketing Academy